Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Proposition 15

I fee that the author of “ To much Money” discussing proposition 15, has done a good job of stating his opinion for not providing the three billion dollars to cancer research.

I feel like he was a little blunt though in getting his point across, and could have been more considerate to the people who do feel strongly about getting proposition 15 passed.

Instead of saying none of the three billion should go to cancer research, he could of said that splitting the three billion dollars to the top five diseases that are killing people every year would help save more lives in the long run.

Yes I understand how you feel that billions of dollars have been put into finding the cure for cancer and there has been no luck, but it is better to know that we gave it another shot. Rather than having that feeling of doubt…that what if that money had made a difference.

Those families that are actually going through the cancer process with a loved one, have hope that every penny will help to save many lives.

Also, what if you or somebody you love gets cancer, and you did not help support the research, because you thought it was a waste of money. How would that make you feel?

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